I'm running a load test with wrk2 as a job on Jenkins. I'd like to send the results of the load test to Graylog but I only want to store the Requests/Sec and average latency.
Here's what the output looks like:
Running 30s test @ https://example.com
1 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 8338.285ms, rate sampling interval: 19202ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 16.20s 6.17s 29.64s 65.74%
Req/Sec 5.00 0.00 5.00 100.00%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 15.72s
75.000% 20.81s
90.000% 24.58s
99.000% 29.13s
99.900% 29.66s
99.990% 29.66s
99.999% 29.66s
100.000% 29.66s
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
4497.407 0.000000 1 1.00
7561.215 0.100000 11 1.11
11100.159 0.200000 22 1.25
12582.911 0.300000 33 1.43
14565.375 0.400000 44 1.67
15720.447 0.500000 54 2.00
16416.767 0.550000 60 2.22
17301.503 0.600000 65 2.50
18464.767 0.650000 71 2.86
19185.663 0.700000 76 3.33
20807.679 0.750000 81 4.00
21479.423 0.775000 84 4.44
22347.775 0.800000 87 5.00
22527.999 0.825000 90 5.71
23216.127 0.850000 93 6.67
23478.271 0.875000 95 8.00
23805.951 0.887500 96 8.89
24723.455 0.900000 98 10.00
25067.519 0.912500 99 11.43
25395.199 0.925000 101 13.33
26525.695 0.937500 102 16.00
26525.695 0.943750 102 17.78
26705.919 0.950000 103 20.00
28065.791 0.956250 104 22.86
28065.791 0.962500 104 26.67
28377.087 0.968750 105 32.00
28377.087 0.971875 105 35.56
28475.391 0.975000 106 40.00
28475.391 0.978125 106 45.71
28475.391 0.981250 106 53.33
29130.751 0.984375 107 64.00
29130.751 0.985938 107 71.11
29130.751 0.987500 107 80.00
29130.751 0.989062 107 91.43
29130.751 0.990625 107 106.67
29655.039 0.992188 108 128.00
29655.039 1.000000 108 inf
#[Mean = 16199.756, StdDeviation = 6170.105]
#[Max = 29638.656, Total count = 108]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
130 requests in 30.02s, 13.44MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 1192
Requests/sec: 4.33
Transfer/sec: 458.47KB
Does anyone know how I could go about extracting Requests/sec (at the bottom) and the latency average to send as JSON parameters?
The expected output would be: "latency": 16.2, "requests_per_second": 4.33
You didn't provide the expected output so your question isn't clear but is this what you want?
$ awk 'BEGIN{a["Latency"]; a["Requests/sec:"]} ($1 in a) && ($2 ~ /[0-9]/){print $1, $2}' file
Latency 16.20s
Requests/sec: 4.33
Updated based on you adding expected output to your question:
$ awk '
BEGIN { map["Latency"]="latency"; map["Requests/sec:"]="requests_per_second" }
($1 in map) && ($2 ~ /[0-9]/) { printf "%s\"%s\": %s", ofs, map[$1], $2+0; ofs=", " }
END { print "" }
' file
"latency": 16.2, "requests_per_second": 4.33