I've a method that returns a Doctrine_Collection, with a whereIn()
clause :
public function getByValues($values)
if (!is_array($values))
throw new sfException('Wrong parameter type. Excepted array.');
return Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Anomaly a')
->whereIn('a.value', $values);
However, when $values
is an empty array, this method return all the rows that are in the AnomalyTable. This isn't an unexpected behavior, as documented in Doctrine documentation, and written here : Doctrine where in with Doctrine_Query
However, I would like to return an empty Doctrine_Collection
instead of the result of my query, when $values
is an empty array.
Any ideas on how I can do that ?
Thanks =)
Adding an impossible clause, like ->where('1=0')
would do the trick, but it is an unnecessary request to the DB server. Does anyone have a better idea ?
And what about (you need also the execute method to get the result of the query ! with that the return type will be the same everytime) :
public function getByValues($values)
if (!is_array($values))
throw new sfException('Wrong parameter type. Excepted array.');
if (empty($values)) {
return new Doctrine_Collection('Anomaly');
return Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Anomaly a')
->whereIn('a.value', $values)