I have a parent page that passes user
data to a child component like so:
<ng-container *ngIf="leaderboard">
<app-leaderboard-preview [user]="user" (click)="goToLeaderboard()"></app-leaderboard-preview>
The parent page ngOnInit()
subscribes to an observable that returns a user object and sets the user
variable (i removed other irrelevant queries from the combineLatest
combineLatest([this.userQuery$]).subscribe((results) => {
It is my understanding that ngOnChanges()
will not trigger unless a new object is created, so I assign the new user object as a new object to pass to the app-leaderboard-preview
component using Object.assign()
parseUser(user) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if(user) {
this.user = Object.assign({}, user);
} else {
This loads the component, just fine, but the ranking of the user can change, so when a user swipes down to refresh the page, the value should be updated, but the component does not update. I use the following code (almost carbon copy as the above) to refresh the page (without a hard reload).
doRefresh(event) {
if (this.user) {
this.userQuery$ = this.db.query$(`user/find?id=${this.user.id}`);
combineLatest([this.userQuery$]).subscribe((results) => {
Which then runs the parseUser
method to update the user
object that the app-leaderboard-preview
So this should trigger the ngOnChanges because I am passing a "new" object to the component. What am I missing?
After some back and forth Jordan figured out he had an async pipe assigning to the user variable which was overriding his changes to this.user.
*ngIf = user$ | async as user
Original Answer
Object.assign({}, object) should work. Tested on Angular 7.
this.user = Object.assign({}, user);
.. or if you are using lodash you can do.
this.user = _.clone(user);
this.user = _.cloneDeep(user);
Stackblitz Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngonchangeswithobject