I trying to add a mp3 in to my scala gui using scalafx, but i have trouble how to add in to the scene
this is what i have, but it doesn't work...
val gameStage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "Game Graphics"
scene = new Scene(windowWidth, windowHeight) {
var audio = new Media(url)
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(audio)
mediaPlayer.volume = 100
It appears that one problem is that you have not used a MediaView
instance to add the MediaPlayer
to the scene. Also, it's probably better if you do not start to play the media until the scene has been displayed.
I think you need something like this (as a complete app):
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.scene.{Group, Scene}
import scalafx.scene.media.{Media, MediaPlayer, MediaView}
object GameGraphics
extends JFXApp {
// Required info. Populate as necessary...
val url = ???
val windowWidth = ???
val windowHeight = ???
// Initialize the media and media player elements.
val audio = new Media(url)
val mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(audio)
mediaPlayer.volume = 100
// The primary stage is best defined as the stage member of the application.
stage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "Game Graphics"
width = windowWidth
height = windowHeight
scene = new Scene {
// Create a MediaView instance of the media player, and add it to the scene. (It needs
// to be the child of a Group, or the child of a subclass of Group).
val mediaView = new MediaView(mediaPlayer)
root = new Group(mediaView)
// Now play the media.
Also, you should prefer val
to var
, particularly if there is no need to modify the associated variables after they have been defined.
BTW, it's not possible to test your code, so please consider posting a minimal, complete and verifiable example next time.