
Azure traffic manager Weighted routing , how much wight matters?

In azure traffic manager for endpoints we assign weights, i have two endpoint where one endpoint(endpoint1) have weight as 1 and other(endpoint2) as weight 2 , i understand more traffic will go to endpoint2 but by how much ? is it like 2 out of 3 requests will go to endpoint2 and 1 out of 3 will go to endpoint1.

if i change it as

endpoint1 - 1 endpoint2 - 100

what will be the impact?


  • I think they use ratio. So if you have following weights: 1 and 2, it will route third of the traffic to the first endpoint and two thirds to the second.

    With your values (1 and 100) it will route something like 0.9% to the first endpoint and 99.1% to the second endpoint.