
Selecting multiple strings from the output of command in powershell

This may be a simple question that has been answered before but I just couldn't find it. I am trying to filter out unneeded text/output from a simple script I made.

$stop = 2
do {
netstat -a -n -o | Select-String "ESTABLISHED"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} while ($stop -ne 1)

I want to add more than just established connections to the output window such as both the UDP and TCP connections but remove the loopback addresses. If there is a better way or more efficient way of doing this that would be great.


  • Since you're on Windows 10, you have access to the Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet. Instead of parsing netstat output, you can work with objects:

    Get-NetTCPConnection |
        Where-Object RemoteAddress -notin '','', '::'

    For UDP:
