
erlang: how to receive HTTP/RTSP messages from socket?

I want to manage HTTP or RTSP sessions with Erlang.

For example, a standart session for RTSP protocol looks like:

OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 1\r\n
User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2008.07.24)\r\n
PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 5\r\n
Session: 1\r\n
Range: npt=0.000-\r\n
User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2008.07.24)\r\n

The length of the every message is different. For erlang, gen_server:listen uses an option {active, true} (to allow getting of an unlimited qantity of data) or {active, false} (for getting fixed length of data).

Is there a recommended method how to get and parse such messages with variable length?


  • For HTTP, use one of the HTTP packet modes documented for the inet:setopts/2 function. For example, to set a socket to receive HTTP messages as binaries, you can set the {packet, http_bin} on the socket. Have a look at my simple web server example to see how to use the HTTP packet modes.

    For RTSP, there's no built-in packet parser, but because RTSP headers are line-oriented like HTTP, you can do your own header parsing using the {packet, line} mode. In that mode, you'll receive one header at a time until you receive an empty line indicating the end of the headers. You can then change the socket to {packet, raw} mode to receive any message body. The Content-Length header if present indicates the size of any message body.

    The {active, true} vs {active, false} socket modes you mention control how data arrive at the controlling process (owner) of the socket.