Get property values from complex model in C#

I want to obtain the values of properties of a complex model (IList(Object) in object)). I find the the main properties of the parent object and also the type of the childobject which I need. But I cannot extract its values.

I think the issue is due to the obect parameter in the GetValue method. It needs to be the "TheMovieDatabaseModelDetails" object. I've tried a lot of various options here, but get the error: "object does not match target type".


public class TheMovieDatabaseModel
    public int page { get; set; }
    public int total_results { get; set; }
    public int total_pages { get; set; }
    public IList<TheMovieDatabaseModelDetails> results { get; set; }


private async Task GetMovieDetailsForTheMovieDatabase<T>(T movieModel)
            PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = movieModel.GetType().GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in propertyInfo)
                if (property.Name.Equals("results"))
                    var movieDetails = property.GetType().GetProperties();
                    foreach (var detail in movieDetails)
                        detail.GetValue(movieDetails, null); // here I need to fill in the right "object".

                // etc..

research (amongst others): Get Values From Complex Class Using Reflection


  • I've found the answer in:

    C# object to array

    I needed to created an IEnumerable first, as the parent model creates an IList of the ChildModel (movies, which have the moviedetails):

    if (property.Name.Equals("results"))
                        object movieObject = property.GetValue(movieModel);
                        IEnumerable movieObjectList = movieObject as IEnumerable;
                        if (movieObjectList != null)
                            foreach (object movie in movieObjectList)
                                PropertyInfo[] movieDetails = movie.GetType().GetProperties();
                                foreach (PropertyInfo detail in movieDetails)
                                    detail.GetValue(movie, null);