
How to carry out multidimensional scaling on 12-nations data set reported by Wish (1971)

I currently self-study multidimensional scaling. Amongst others, I study Borg & Groenen (2005): Modern multidimensional scaling : theory and applications.

On page 10, they present a real-life data set reported by Wish (1971). Wish (1971) asked 18 students to rate the global similarity of different pairs of nations such as France and China on a 9-point rating scale ranging from 1 = very different to 9 = very similar. Since the data set is publicly available, I wanted to replicate the result in R for practice purposes. As a first step, I wanted to replicate the following configuration also presented in Borg & Groenen (2005, p. 10).

enter image description here

I proceeded as follows:

library(smacof)                       ### this package contains the data set
data(wish)                            ### that is the data set

Since the data sets contains similarity ratings, I applied non metric multidimensional scaling using the isoMDS command of the MASS package. Even though the textbook authors speak of a "two-dimensional MDS configuration", I also tried higher-dimensional solutions. I therefore coded a loop that carries out multidimensional scaling for configurations containing dimensions from 2 to 9.

X <- c()
for (i in 2:9) {
  MDS <- isoMDS(wish, k = i)
  X <- c(X, MDS$stress)
  text(MDS$points[, 1], MDS$points[, 2], colnames(as.matrix(wish)), cex=.6, 
  pos = 1)
plot(X, type = "b")                    ### this  allowed me to plot the stress levels associated with each configuration

None of the resulting plots resembled the one presented in Borg & Groenen (2005, p. 10). For example, the map for 2 dimensions is as follows:

enter image description here

I checked that the data set is identical to the one reported by Borg & Groenen (2005, p. 10). I also tried out metric scaling as follows:

for (i in 2:9) {
  plot(smacofSym(wish, ndim=i))

Again, I was not able to replicate the results reported by Borg & Groenen (2005,p. 10). However, I am not sure if I made any mistake while trying to replicate the results.


  • Using the base R cmdscale, I get a similar result to Borg & Groenen.

    If you look at the structure of wish you will see that it is simply a vector of 66 numbers. I interpret this as the lower triangluar similarity matrix. I convert this into a full dissimilarity matrix so that I can use cmdscale and plot. The positions roughly align with the positions from Borg & Groenen.

    ## Construct distance matrix
    SM = matrix(0, nrow=12, ncol=12)
    SM[lower.tri(SM)] = wish
    SM = SM + t(SM)
    diag(SM) = 9
    DM = 9-SM
    ## MDS & plotting
    MDS = cmdscale(DM)
    plot(MDS, pch=20, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4))
    text(MDS, labels = attr(wish, "Labels"), adj=c(0.5,-0.6), cex=0.8)
    abline(0.5,0.3, lty=2)
    abline(-1,-3.8, lty=2)

    Plot of Multi-Dimensional Scaling