
Should dynamic query parameters be present in the Redirection URI for an OAuth2 (Autorization Code Grant Type)

Sources such as this Okta sponsored site (see "Per-Request Customization" section) mention that the redirect_uri parameter of a autorization request SHOULD NEVER have a dynamic query part (ex: for session matching uses).


The server should reject any authorization requests with redirect URLs that are not an exact match of a registered URL.

Our OAuth AZ provider is BIG-IP F5. We are setting it up, and they seem to comply with the above view.

Our client is a web application built elsewhere, and they seem to not follow the above rule. Here is a complete representation of the Authorization Endpoint (redacted): https://ourownF5host.ca/f5-oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=theIDofOurClient&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2FourClientAppHostname%2FClientRessource%2FRessource%3FSessionId%3D76eab448-52d1-4adb-8eba-e9ec1b9432a3&state=2HY-MLB0ST34wQUPCyHM-A&scope=RessourceData&response_type=code

They use a redirect_uri with a format similar to (I don't urlencode here, for simplicity's sake) : redirect_uri=https://ourClientAppHostname/ClientRessource/Ressource?SessionId=SOMELONGSESSIONID, with the SOMELONGSESSIONID value being DIFFERENT for each call.

We dug DEEP into RFC6749 (OAuth2), and found this in section

The authorization server SHOULD require the client to provide the
complete redirection URI (the client MAY use the "state" request
parameter to achieve per-request customization). If requiring the
registration of the complete redirection URI is not possible, the
authorization server SHOULD require the registration of the URI
scheme, authority, and path (allowing the client to dynamically vary
only the query component of the redirection URI when requesting

What I understand, and would like to validate here, is that the first source, Okta and F5 accept ONLY the first part of the rule above, and require the redirection uri to be COMPLETELY registered without any dynamic part.

Am I right to affirm that they (Okta and F5) DO NOT comply with the second part of the excerpt, citing that they should "allow(ing) the client to dynamically vary only the query component of the redirection URI when requesting authorization" ?

OR, is there any kind of official correction/evolution of the RFC6749, that warrants both companies design position ?


  • TL;DR:

    No, the redirect uri must be static for security reasons. If the client needs to keep a state between the authorization request and its asynchronous response, use the OAuth 2.0 state parameter.

    Long version :

    RFC6749 (the initial OAuth 2.0 specification) has been published in 2012 and OAuth security landscape has evolved a lot since then.

    RFC6819, an OAuth 2.0 security review from 2013 already mentioned that refusing dynamically crafted redirect uris was a good way to protect against XSS and client impersonation attacks.

    OpenID Connect, from 2014, a commonly used extension of OAuth 2.0 with authentication capabilities, already takes that recommendation into account and mandates exact string matching for all redirect uris.

    The current draft recommendation for OAuth 2.0 Best Security Practice confirms that by enforcing redirect_uris preregistration and mandating the use simple string comparison by the AS when validating the redirect_uri passed in the request. So a dynamic redirect_uri must not be used.

    Your client definitely makes a wrong move by using the redirect_uri as a "state keeper" between the Authorization request and response, by using a dynamically crafted SessionID attribute inside the redirect_uri. OAuth2.0 has a dedicated authorization request parameter for that purpose, which is "state". The client should use it. The AS will append that state in the parameters of the redirect_uri when it issues the response, so the client will be able to find back this state inside the response.

    The proper authorization request would be:


    The response will look like: https://somehost/authcallback?state=SOMELONGSTATE&code=anazcode

    This way the redirect_uri is static, so a simple string comparison is enough to validate that uri on AS side. Any algorithm more complex than simple string comparison would be subject to security flaws.