I have a responsive web page that I want to reorder with jquery when going from one size to a smaller one. Everything is great except when I reorder an element (a DIV, for example) that has an input in it, like the search form:
$( '#searchfrm' ).insertAfter( '#bodyfrm' );
If I do this, when I click the input, the keyboard appears for a second and then disappears. This happens only on Android, on iPhone it works perfectly.
If I comment the code line, the input works perfectly on Android but I don't want the search form on top, but on the bottom of the page on the responsive design.
How do I prevent this from happening? Thanks!
I had a similar issue but found it was due to the $(window).on("resize",function(){...});
and not the .insertAfter script used to reposition the element.
If the element you reposition has an input field and that input field is in focus ~ the default behavior of Android opening the keyboard actually resizes the browser causing the function to loop. - REFERENCE: (dealing-androids-constant-browser-resizing). Changing the function to trigger on (load) as opposed to (resize) did the trick for me. $(window).on("load",function(){...});