
IBM JDK throwing error 0 class {0} is already woven and has not been built in reweavable mode [Xlint:nonReweavableTypeEncountered]

We have few aspects, Aspect classes are defined with @Aspect and declared the same aspect in METAINFO/aop.xml:


    <weaver options="-Xset:weaveJavaxPackages=true">
       <include within = "Test"/>
        <aspect name = "Test"/>

Below error is thrown only in IBM JDK environment with WebSphere.


Error at Test.java::0 class {0} is already woven and has not been built in reweavable mode [Xlint:nonReweavableTypeEncountered]

The same code works with Tomcat + Oracle JDK stack combination.


  • As per AspectJ Configuration.

    Aspect does not require to add it to the Weaver tag, which was causing error to thrown in SystemOut.log of WAS.

        <weaver options="-Xset:weaveJavaxPackages=true">
          // add only actual classes to be woven.
            <aspect name = "Test"/>

    An aop.xml file contains two key sections: "aspects" defines one or more aspects to the weaver and controls which aspects are to be used in the weaving process; "weaver" defines weaver options and which types should be woven.
