I am trying to replicate my matlab code into C with OpenCV. Here I have a step where I need to convert the image from rgb to ycbcr and do histogram equalization. But the results of both in matlab and C are very different.
I am using Matlab R2016b and OpenCV 4.0.0
Which one is the correct way to do and why I am seeing this difference?
Steps I am following in MATLAB and C are stated below:
C Steps:
Read an Image frame in RGB using imread()
Converted the RGB image to YCBCr using cv::cvtColor()
Checked the values of Y channel
cv::Mat image, ycbcr;
vector splitted;
image = imread("image_name.jpg");
cv::cvtColor(image, ycbcr, COLOR_BGR2YCrCb);
cv::split(ycbcr, splitted)
cv::cvtColor(ycbcr, image, COLOR_YCrCb2BGR);
imshow("Equalized", image);
MATLAB steps:
Read an Image frame in RGB using imread()
Converted the RGB image to YCBCr using rgb2ycbcr()
Checked the values of Y channel
im = imread('image_name.jpg');
ycbcr_im = rgb2ycbcr(im);
ycbcr_im(:,:,1) = histeq(ycbcr_im(:,:,1));
im = ycbcr2rgb(ycbcr_im);
So I checked the results after converting from rgb to ycbcr in OpenCV and MATLAB and the result are different in the conversion itself.
By looking at the documentation of OpenCV and Matlab color conversion. I found the following. In my observation, there is a major difference in the algorithm and implementation.
In Matlab, the rgb2ycbcr() function converts the color in digital formula which is
Y = 16+ (65.481 * R + 128.553 * G + 24.966 * B)
Cb = 128+ (-37.797 * R - 74.203 * G + 112.0 * B)
Cr = 128+ (112.0 * R - 93.786 * G - 18.214 * B)
If the input is uint8, then YCBCR is uint8 where Y is in the range [16 235], and Cb and Cr are in the range [16 240].
But in OpenCV, the conversion is done in analog formula which is,
Y = 0.299 * R+ 0.587 * G+ 0.114 * B
Cb = -0.168736 * R - 0.331264 * G + 0.5 * B
Cr = 0.5 * R - 0.418688 * G - 0.081312 * B
If the input is uint8, then YCBCR is uint8 where Y and Cb and Cr are in the range [0 255]. This is the reason why you are getting a different result.