
Catch error using catchError in a future and throw another type

I am not sure if this type of error handling and abstraction is done in a wrong way.

Future<void> _refresh() {
  return Future(() => throw someError)
       .catchError((error) {
         // maybe do something here
         throw abstractedError; //or even the same error

Being able in another place to use it accordingly:

// in a widget/another place

void doSomething() { 
     .then((_) => bla())
     .catchError((error) {
      //showSomeAlert() or handleSomething()


  • We have in the flutter framework the description for the catch function:

    • Handles errors emitted by this [Future].
      • This is the asynchronous equivalent of a "catch" block. ... Future catchError(Function onError, {bool test(Object error)});

    When chaining futures I would advise against of using:

    throw error;

    and instead use:

    return Future.error(SecondError());

    This is because if you chain a future and expect to catch the error using the catchError future you will have the following problem.

    Future<void> _refresh() {
      return throw Exception("Exception");
    void main() {
        _refresh() // .then((_) => print("bla"))
        .catchError(() => print("not able to be reached"));

    And you will get an error Uncaught exception: Exception: Exception.

    This is similar when using RX (in general) and instead of throwing you send down the chain a Sigle.error (or any other observable with error).


    When working with Futures and chaining them (including catchError) use Future.error(Exception("Exception")) to handle errors.

    If you are using throw make sure or surround with try catch or Future(() -> throw ... )