
What happens when already destroyed activity by OS is revoked by user from recent apps?

As far as I know, an app that is already destroyed by Android System resides in recent apps. For example, I launched my app and navigated through several activities. Then quit, and opened several other apps and not launched my app again for several hours. My last opened activity will stay in the recent apps even though it has been destroyed by the system. My question is what life-cycle methods will be run when I touch my app from the recent apps list and in which order? Also what will happen to my data in the activity that is still shown on the recent apps? Does it get created from the start? Do I still have an activity stack? and will my base application class be re-created also?


  • According to LifeCycle of an activity, after your app will be killed by the android OS (to get memory for more prioritized apps), your activity will start from onCreate() method, and go through the cycle, as usual) What about your data:

    1. values in views (like EditText) will be restored if your view have ids.
    2. your variable values I suggest you to save and restore with onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState().