
How can you make a stacked area / line chart in Julia with Plots.jl?

I would like to create a stacked area chart, similar to this for example, in Julia using Plots.

I know / suppose that you can do this if you directly use the Gadfly or PyPlot backends in Julia, but I was wondering if there was a recipe for this. If not, how can you contribute to the Plots Recipes? Would be a useful addition.


  • There's a recipe for something similar in

    For some reason the thumbnail looks broken now though (but the code works).

    The exact plot in the matlab example can be produced by

    plot(cumsum(Y, dims = 2)[:,end:-1:1], fill = 0, lc = :black)

    As a recipe that would look like

    @userplot AreaChart
    @recipe function f(a::AreaChart)
             fillto --> 0
             linecolor --> :black
             seriestype --> :path
             cumsum(a.args[1], dims = 2)[:,end:-1:1]

    If you want to contribute a recipe to Plots you can open a pull request on Plots, or, eg. on StatsPlots - there's a good description of contributing here:

    It's a bit of reading, but very generally useful as an introduction to contributing to Julia packages.