Our iOS app integrates with Twilio and is set up to receive PushKit VoIP notifications.
Occasionally and indeterminately, the app will crash before launching - preventing us from processing the push notification. This only occurs when the app has been fully force-quit.
Provision violated for watchdog process-launch: <FBSProcessResourceProvision: 0x281e68880; allowance: <; FBSProcessResourceAllowance; type: scheduledTime; timeValue: 5.0s>; violated: YES>
The codepath for processing the notification more or less passes it directly to Twilio, then takes the resulting CallKit structures and attempts to open CallKit. None of this codepath gets executed (or, at least logged) when this crash occurs.
Where can I start to understand why the Resource Allowance is being violated?
Not sure with the abbreviation, but if it stand for FrontBoardServices, then your app seems taking to much time launching.
Examine your AppDelegte. Whats is launched there that could be blocking and can it moved to a different thread?
Another Pitfall: PKRegistryDeleagte needs to be registered during the launch or quickly as possible, else you never get the Push.