I loaded a rda file which basically its a list of dataframes. How do I iterate over is objects?
The following objects are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv:
GSE109597, GSE18897, GSE32575, GSE53232, GSE55205, GSE69039,
GSE83223, GSE87493, GSE98895
> R » objects()
[1] "GSE109597" "GSE18897" "GSE32575" "GSE53232" "GSE55205" "GSE69039"
[7] "GSE83223" "GSE87493" "GSE98895"
Two thoughts:
Load explicitly into a new empty environment, then work on them there:
e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
load(filename, envir = e)
out <- eapply(e, function(x) {
# do something with x
From ?load
, it returns a "character vector of the names of objects created, invisibly". If you capture the (invisible) vector, you should be able to do something like:
nms <- load(data)
for (nm in nms) {
x <- get(nm)
# do something with x
# optional, save it back with assign(nm, x)
# or to capture all data into a list (similar to bullet 1 above)
out <- lapply(lapply(nms, get), function(x) {
# do something with x
I prefer the first (environment-based) solution for a few reasons:
... having learned that the hard way some times with unreproducible issues, this is huge for me.rda
file are the same "thing" (e.g., frame, list) and I plan on doing the same actions to each of them