I'm parsing a .msg file (using Apache POI), but I have trouble finding any official or published list of properties supported by Outlook. The best I could find are list used by few other projects that claim to have gotten some of it from a mapitags.h file.
For example, what is property 6001?
After looking around, I found Microsoft's published Mapitags.h (download here), it is mentioned as:
"6000 65FF User-defined non-transmittable property"
So is there no way of finding out what this property does? I'm looking for a bounceTo property, but it's not mentioned in any of these header files.
There is no such list. Besides hundreds or even thousands of properties used by Outlook itself, store provides and third-party apps are free to use their own properties. See http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/utils.htm#xmapi for a short overview of the MAPI properties.
If you want to see properties set on an existing message or MSG file, use MFCMAPI or OutlookSpy (I am its author).