I have tidied my code up and condensed it to make it readable, as per another users comments. I have a complexFloatArray class, to store arrays of Complex vectors
class complexFloatArray {
var reals: [Float]
var imaginaries: [Float]
init(reals: [Float], imaginaries: [Float]){
self.reals = reals
self.imaginaries = imaginaries
I then have some functions defined in extensions to this class. One being:
func useAsDSPSplitComplex<R>(_ closure: (inout DSPSplitComplex) -> R) -> R {
return reals.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { realBufferPointer in
return imaginaries.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { imaginaryBufferPointer in
var dspSplitComplex = DSPSplitComplex(realp: realBufferPointer.baseAddress!, imagp: imaginaryBufferPointer.baseAddress!)
return closure(&dspSplitComplex)
The idea is when called on an instance of complexFloatArray, it creates a DSPSplitComplex pointer for use with the Accelerate framework.
Finally I have an accelerate function I would like to use (vDSP_zrvmul) to multiply my complex vector by a real vector.
func floatMultiply(with other: [Float]) -> complexFloatArray {
assert(self.count == other.count, "Multiplied Vectors Must have the same size!")
var result = complexFloatArray.zeros(count: other.count)
self.useAsDSPSplitComplex { selfPointer in
result.useAsDSPSplitComplex { resultPointer in
&selfPointer, complexFloatArray.stride,
other, complexFloatArray.stride,
&resultPointer, complexFloatArray.stride,
return result
I call the function using:
var kernel = sine.floatMultiply(with: gauss)
where sine is a complexFloatArray, and gauss is a FloatArray, both of equal length to create a morlet wavelet. However the result is a complexFloatArray filled with zeros.
When debugging I can put a breakpoint at any point in the floatMultiply function and confirm that both self and other (sine and gauss) are filled with vales. So it is somewhere in the vDSP call that is not returning the correct results.
For completeness complexFloatArray.stride = 1 (this value is declared within the complexFloatArray class).
And 'zeros' is a function within complexFloatArray to populate an Array with zeros of a certain length. (Array(repeating:0, count:N)
Any suggestions why I am getting zero in my result to this call?
I have now included the full code, rather than snippets which give an incomplete picture.
The full code for ComplexFloatArray Class is below:
class ComplexFloatArray {
var reals: [Float]
var imaginaries: [Float]
init(reals: [Float], imaginaries: [Float]){
self.reals = reals
self.imaginaries = imaginaries
extension ComplexFloatArray {
var count: Int {
assert(reals.count == imaginaries.count)
return reals.count
static let stride = 1
func append(real: Float, imaginary: Float) {
func removeAtIndex(index: Int) {
self.reals.remove(at: index)
self.imaginaries.remove(at: index)
func useAsDSPSplitComplex<R>(_ closure: (inout DSPSplitComplex) -> R) -> R {
return reals.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { realBufferPointer in
return imaginaries.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { imaginaryBufferPointer in
var dspSplitComplex = DSPSplitComplex(realp: realBufferPointer.baseAddress!, imagp: imaginaryBufferPointer.baseAddress!)
return closure(&dspSplitComplex)
extension ComplexFloatArray {
convenience init() {
self.init(reals:[], imaginaries:[])
static func zeros(count: Int) -> ComplexFloatArray {
return ComplexFloatArray(reals:Array(repeating: 0, count: count), imaginaries: Array(repeating:0, count:count))
extension ComplexFloatArray {
enum ComplexMultiplicationType: Int32 { case normal = 1, conjugate = -1}
func ComplexMultiply(
with other: ComplexFloatArray,
multiplicationType: ComplexMultiplicationType = .normal
) -> ComplexFloatArray {
assert(self.count == other.count, "Multiplied Vectors Must have the same size!")
var result = ComplexFloatArray.zeros(count: self.count)
self.useAsDSPSplitComplex { selfPointer in
other.useAsDSPSplitComplex { otherPointer in
result.useAsDSPSplitComplex { resultPointer in
&selfPointer, ComplexFloatArray.stride,
&otherPointer, ComplexFloatArray.stride,
&resultPointer, ComplexFloatArray.stride,
return result
extension ComplexFloatArray {
func floatMultiply(
with other: [Float]
) -> ComplexFloatArray {
assert(self.count == other.count, "Multiplied Vectors Must have the same size!")
var result = ComplexFloatArray.zeros(count: other.count)
self.useAsDSPSplitComplex { selfPointer in
result.useAsDSPSplitComplex { resultPointer in
&selfPointer, ComplexFloatArray.stride,
other, ComplexFloatArray.stride,
&resultPointer, ComplexFloatArray.stride,
return result
extension ComplexFloatArray {
enum FourierTransformDirection: Int32 { case forward = 1, inverse = -1 }
func outOfPlaceComplexFourierTransform(
setup: FFTSetup,
logSize: UInt,
direction: FourierTransformDirection) -> ComplexFloatArray {
var result = ComplexFloatArray.zeros(count:resultSize)
self.useAsDSPSplitComplex { selfPointer in
result.useAsDSPSplitComplex { resultPointer in
return result
The full code for my CWT class is below:
var nVoices = 96 //number of voices per octave
var kernelLength = 2048 //Length of N
var fs = globalSampleRate
class CWT{
var timeArray:[Float] = []
var sines: [ComplexFloatArray] = []
var gaussian:[[Float]] = []
var fftFilterBank:[ComplexFloatArray] = []
var filterBank:[ComplexFloatArray] = []
var convProduct:[ComplexFloatArray] = []
var centreFreqs:[Float]=[]
var phase:[Float] = []
var magnitude:[Float] = []
func synthesizeKernels(){
timeArray = makeArray(from: ((1.0/Float(fs))*((-0.5)*Float(kernelLength))), to: ((1.0/Float(fs))*((0.5)*Float(kernelLength))), increment: 1/fs)
centreFreqs = getCentreFreqs(N:timeArray.count)
for i in 0..<centreFreqs.count {
makeSine(freq: centreFreqs[i], N:timeArray.count, iteration: i)
makeGaus(freq: centreFreqs[i], N:timeArray.count, iteration: i)
makeMorlet(sine: sines[i], gauss: gaussian[i], count:timeArray.count, iteration: i)
fftKernel(kernel: filterBank[i], N:timeArray.count, iteration:i)
func convolveSignal(realSamples:[Float], imagSamples:[Float]) {
let logN = 11
let fft1Setup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(UInt(logN), FFTRadix(FFT_RADIX2))!
var product = ComplexFloatArray.zeros(count: filterBank.count)
var input = ComplexFloatArray(reals: realSamples, imaginaries: imagSamples)
var fftOfSamples = ComplexFloatArray.zeros(count: input.count)
fftOfSamples = input.outOfPlaceComplexFourierTransform(setup: fft1Setup, resultSize: input.count, logSize: UInt(logN), direction: ComplexFloatArray.FourierTransformDirection(rawValue: 1)!)
fftOfSamples.removeAtIndex(index: 0)
for i in 0..<self.filterBank.count {
var kernel = fftFilterBank[i]
var multiplyResult = kernel.ComplexMultiply(with: fftOfSamples)
func makeArray(from:Float, to:Float, increment:Float) ->[Float]{
var Array:[Float]=[]
for i in stride(from: from, to: to, by: increment) {
return Array
func makeSine(freq:Float, N:Int, iteration:Int) {
var compSine = ComplexFloatArray.init()
for i in 0..<timeArray.count{
let x = 2 * Float.pi * freq * timeArray[i]
compSine.append(real: cos(x), imaginary: sin(x))
func makeGaus(freq:Float, N:Int, iteration:Int) {
var gaus:[Float] = Array(repeating:0, count:N)
let s:Float = 7 / (2.0 * Float.pi * freq)
let interimCalc: Float = Float(2)*Float(pow(s,2))
for i in 0..<N{
var u = pow(timeArray[i],2)
u = (-u)
let v = u / interimCalc
gaus[i] = exp(v)
func getCentreFreqs(N:Int) ->[Float]{
var CF:[Float] = []
var filteredCF:[Float] = []
var G:Float = pow(10,(3/10))
var x = makeArray(from: -1000, to: 1350, increment: 1)
for i in 0..<x.count {
var fraction:Float = (Float(2*Float(x[i]))-Float(59.0)) / Float(2*nVoices)
var fr:Float = Float(1000.0) * Float(powf(Float(G), Float(fraction)))
for i in 0..<CF.count {
if (Float(20) < CF[i] && CF[i] < Float(20000)) {
return filteredCF
func makeMorlet(sine:ComplexFloatArray, gauss:[Float], count:Int, iteration:Int) {
var kernel = sine.floatMultiply(with: gauss)
func fftKernel(kernel: ComplexFloatArray, N:Int, iteration:Int) {
var size = kernel.count
var logSize = 11
var FFTSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(vDSP_Length(logSize), FFTRadix(FFT_RADIX2))
var output = kernel.outOfPlaceComplexFourierTransform(setup: FFTSetup!, resultSize: size, logSize: UInt(logSize), direction: ComplexFloatArray.FourierTransformDirection(rawValue: 1)!)
//Test Signal to Convolve - 1kHz Sine Wave
func testSine(){
var testTimeArray = makeArray(from: ((1.0/Float(fs))*((-0.5)*Float(kernelLength))), to: ((1.0/Float(fs))*((0.5)*Float(kernelLength))), increment: 1/fs)
var testSine = ComplexFloatArray.zeros(count: testTimeArray.count)
for i in 0..<testTimeArray.count{
var x = 2 * Float.pi * 1000 * testTimeArray[i]
testSine.reals[i] = cos(x)
testSine.imaginaries[i] = sin(x)
convolveSignal(realSamples: testSine.reals, imagSamples:testSine.imaginaries)
finally in my ViewController class I have the following:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var wavelet = CWT()
func viewDidLoad(){
If I debug this and pause on the makeMorlet function, the results of FloatMultiply are all zeros, despite having the same length values in both the left and right side of the equation.
Unfortunately, your code does not run on Xcode 10.2 with default settings.
Thread 1: Simultaneous accesses to 0x600001170550, but modification requires exclusive access
I'm not sure you are setting Exclusive Access to Memory to off (Compile time Enforcement Only), or using some older version of Xcode, but Swift compiler optimizes and generates code assuming Exclusivity Enforcement is fully valid. (So, you should never set Exclusive Access to Memory off.)
Please read this article carefully:
Swift 5 Exclusivity Enforcement
Your implementation of count
in ComplexFloatArray
is violating this enforcement. While executing the closure passed to reals.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer
, you cannot access reals
as the array is exclusively occupied by the method.
And with violating this rule, Swift runtime may show any sort of unexpected behavior.
Try changing the implementation of count
like following, and see what happens:
class ComplexFloatArray {
var reals: [Float]
var imaginaries: [Float]
init(reals: [Float], imaginaries: [Float]){
self.reals = reals
self.imaginaries = imaginaries
assert(reals.count == imaginaries.count)
self.count = reals.count
//Make `count` a stored property.
var count: Int
extension ComplexFloatArray {
//Remove this computed property.
// var count: Int {
// assert(reals.count == imaginaries.count)
// return reals.count
// }
static let stride = 1
func append(real: Float, imaginary: Float) {
count += 1
func removeAtIndex(index: Int) {
self.reals.remove(at: index)
self.imaginaries.remove(at: index)
count -= 1
One more, your code generates many warnings with recommended settings, you should better not ignore them.