
<adlcp:map> in scorm 2004 4th edition

We are building API for scorm 2004 4th edition , we start using the the official Test Suite but in the DMI test we get the following error :

"ERROR: Attempted to access an objective with the id "tarID1" but "tarID1" was not found."

when i looked in the manifest xml file i found that those elements are defined as "adlcp:map" , where shall i save this tag ? what this tag represent ?


  • Anything you would want to know about any element in a manifest (assuming it doesn't utilize third-party extensions) can be found in the official SCORM documentation.

    Download the documentation suite. In the CAM book, look for section, titled "<map> Element".

    Source: SCORM 2004 4th Edition Content Aggregation Model (CAM) Book, available from adlnet.gov (download the documentation suite).