This is the response I get when trying to upload a ~1MB picture as a profile picture on GitHub:
POST 422 (Unprocessable Entity)
errors: [{resource: "Avatar", code: "custom", field: "size", message: "size is not included in the list"}]
0: {resource: "Avatar", code: "custom", field: "size", message: "size is not included in the list"}
code: "custom"
field: "size"
message: "size is not included in the list"
resource: "Avatar"
I took this from the Console and the Chrome DevTools Network Tab as there is absolutely no feedback from the front-end whatsoever. What could be the issue here? I disabled all extensions and tried Firefox but the issue persisted.
According to GitHub, their maximum file size for profile pictures is 1 MB which is why they recommend keeping it at around 500x500 pixels. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like their UI actually displays the error.