
How to add placeholder on input in Symfony 4 form?

In my Symfony 4 form, I am try to get a placeholder for my input. I tried the below but I get an error that it is not allowed. Any ideas how else I can achieve this?

    ['label' => 'Vorname ', 'placeholder' => 'Your name',]

As suggested in the documentation I have also tried the below, here I am not getting an error, just nothing is rendering.

    ['label' => 'Vorname '], 
    ['attr' => ['placeholder' => 'Vorname ']]


  • You need to do like this :

    ->add('firstname', TextType::class, array(
          'label' => 'Vorname ',
          'attr' => array(
              'placeholder' => 'hereYourPlaceHolder'

    As they say in the documentation