files are too easy to reverse-engineer, and would prefer to compile to binary(?) files, one type of which(?) seems to be .so
files.When I run python setup.py build
(the command that has cx_Freeze "compile" our app), it seems only the one file I designate as the "main" file gets converted to an .so
file, while the rest of our source code is converted to .pyc
. We want all of our code to be .so
It isn't possible.
I emailed the creator of cx_Freeze (Anthony Tuininga) and this was his response:
cx_Freeze doesn't have that capability. It puts all of its compiled Python code (.pyc files) into a zip file. Technically, there is a way to do so, but cx_Freeze doesn't do so. Since it involves a C compiler its more complex and prone to error.