I am setting Bootstrap modal window on every page with hidden scroll on background to grab visitor details for lead generation because we are getting enough traffic.
I am doing all coding with header.php using window on load popup for each time. Popup should be hide after click on close or submit options. and no more popup window on any page after click on close or submit at once.
i am using session to hide popup after close or submit click. this is working fine.
is session is safe ? whats other options ?
what kind of problem i am getting - popup occures after reload instead of window on load.
looks like cookies issue, header cache issue. i have no idea
after researching i have done window reload once . its give some variables in url
check here : https://www.carlo.in/new-cars-test
please suggest me some other options or provide me solutions.
Session will keep the modal from reappearing during the remainder of time the client has their browser open or until the session is expired/closed on the server side (short-term). A cookie will keep the modal from reappearing as long as the cookie is not deleted from their computer (long-term)
Here is how I would do it using a bootstrap modal and cookies:
# check if "Got-It!" button has been pressed
if (isset($_POST['btn_modal'])) {
$nameofCookie = $_POST['btn_modal'] . '-' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // store name of modal with client's IP for the cookie's name
$cookieExp = (86400 * 365); // time in seconds for cookie to expire
# check if this cookie exists already
if (!array_key_exists($nameofCookie, $_COOKIE)) {
setcookie($name, '_any_value_goes_here_to_store_in_cookie', $cookieExp, '/'); // create cookie
header('Location: https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . URI); // refresh the current page after they click "Got It!"
I personally prefer to use the username if the user is logged in, but if not storing the username in a session, you can use their IP as how it's shown above. Here's with username, only one line is different.
# check if "Got-It!" button has been pressed
if (isset($_POST['btn_modal'])) {
$nameofCookie = $_POST['btn_modal'] . '-' . $_SESSION['username']; // store name of modal with client's username for the cookie's name
$cookieExp = (86400 * 365); // time in seconds for cookie to expire
# check if this cookie exists already
if (!array_key_exists($nameofCookie, $_COOKIE)) {
setcookie($name, '_any_value_goes_here_to_store_in_cookie', $cookieExp, '/'); // create cookie
header('Location: https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . URI); // refresh the current page after they click "Got It!"
index.php (or whatever page the modal is going on)
<!-- code... -->
<!-- begin: What's New? [Modal] -->
<div class="modal fade" id="newModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title">What's new</h5>
<div class="modal-body">
<li>NEW THIS</li>
<li>NEW THAT</li>
<div class="modal-footer">
<form method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];?>">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="btn_modal" value="newModal">Got It!</button>
<!-- end: What's New? [Modal] -->
<!-- more code... ->
if(array_key_exists($nameofCookie, $_COOKIE)) {
echo "<script>
The script to set the cookie must be placed in the header, and it is best if the script to check and run the modal is placed anywhere after the html code for the modal, preferably the footer.