
How to implement localization in reactjs?

We need to implement the localization in reactjs to define the string value(s). How can I implement that?

One link is there, but I am not getting the correct steps to add that.

I have tried by following steps:

  1. I am adding my component in ES6:
    class Home extends React.Component
        constructor(props) {
        render() {
            return (

  1. I have added the localization code as:-
    import LocalizedStrings from 'react-localization';
    let strings = new LocalizedStrings({
            how:"How do you want your egg today?",
            boiledEgg:"Boiled egg",
            softBoiledEgg:"Soft-boiled egg",
            choice:"How to choose the egg"
        it: {
            how:"Come vuoi il tuo uovo oggi?",
            boiledEgg:"Uovo sodo",
            softBoiledEgg:"Uovo alla coque",
            choice:"Come scegliere l'uovo"

Now if you will see above :- {} I should able to get the strings value as it is defined in localization but I am not able to do it.


  • npm install react-localization

    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import LocalizedStrings from 'react-localization';
    let strings = new LocalizedStrings({
        how:"How do you want your egg today?",
        boiledEgg:"Boiled egg",
        softBoiledEgg:"Soft-boiled egg",
        choice:"How to choose the egg"
      it: {
        how:"Come vuoi il tuo uovo oggi?",
        boiledEgg:"Uovo sodo",
        softBoiledEgg:"Uovo alla coque",
        choice:"Come scegliere l'uovo"
    class App extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
          language: 'en'
        this.handleLanguageChange = this.handleLanguageChange.bind(this);
      handleLanguageChange(e) {
        let lang =;
        this.setState(prevState => ({
          language: lang
      render() {
        return (
            Change Language: <select onChange={this.handleLanguageChange}>
              <option value="en">En- English</option>
              <option value="it">It- Italian</option>
            <br /><br />
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

    u can put your language specific data in a JSON file or or .js file. call that file in your current file and pass that object to new LocalizedStrings().

    Example: data.js

    const data = {
        how:"How do you want your egg today?",
        boiledEgg:"Boiled egg",
        softBoiledEgg:"Soft-boiled egg",
        choice:"How to choose the egg"
      it: {
        how:"Come vuoi il tuo uovo oggi?",
        boiledEgg:"Uovo sodo",
        softBoiledEgg:"Uovo alla coque",
        choice:"Come scegliere l'uovo"
    export {data};

    in your current file import it as import { data } from './data.js'; and then you can initialise as let strings = new LocalizedStrings({data});

    You can read the detailed article here - react-localization with hooks

    Check the working demo Here