
get a pagingobject in http response requested over curl

Hello people i have a question about how to get JSON pagingObject in my response with a http curl get (curl running on jokto-linux-system). i wanted to get a special page over the parameter $offset=0 and $limit=0. But i dont know where to put the parameter to get on the right page of the serviceressource. I get all the ressources back but i need to see how much pages are used also i didnt see this too. So my basic problem is the visibility and changing of the parameter $offset and $limit of the pagingObject of an Service/Ressource with amount of Ressourceelements. Thank you very much for evry answer

This my basic "GET" i try: curl -i

Tried to get an the object over header: curl -X GET -H "$offset" -H "$limit"

I tried it to set after the uri: curl -X GET$offset=0&$limit=1


  • Dollar sign is probably not necessary.
