
How is the entity being saved to the database without a transaction?

I am able to save an entity without @Transactional in my Spring Boot application. I only noticed this because I wasn't able to update an entity until I added @Transactional to the save method within EmployeeService.java.

I don't have @Transactional annotated at the class level. The only other place it is found is on methods in my Service layer that do not pertain to the save method. My EmployeeDAO does not extend JPARepository. It is annotated with @Repository. I have spring-boot-starter-data-jpa as a dependency. I am not manually beginning or committing a transaction either.


public void addEmployee(@RequestBody Employee employee) {



public void save(Employee employee) {


public void save(Employee employee) {
    Session currentSession = em.unwrap(Session.class);



  • By default in Spring Boot Web applications spring.jpa.open-in-view is set to true.

    Most probably it is the reason

    From Spring Boot Reference Guide:

    If you are running a web application, Spring Boot by default registers OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor to apply the “Open EntityManager in View” pattern, to allow for lazy loading in web views. If you do not want this behavior, you should set spring.jpa.open-in-view to false in your application.properties.

    See also: