
Should I include setState in useCallback's array of dependencies?

    const [active, setActive] = useState(false);

    const onActiveChanged = useCallback(
      isActive => () => {
        // do something
      [setActive], // or just [] is okay?

When using useState and useCallback (or useMemo) together, should I include setState in the array of dependencies?


  • The recommendation for that is also on React Docs - Hooks API Reference.

    The setState function is used to update the state. It accepts a new state value and enqueues a re-render of the component.


    During subsequent re-renders, the first value returned by useState will always be the most recent state after applying updates.


    React guarantees that setState function identity is stable and won’t change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect or useCallback dependency list.