I'm having a bit of a play with using COM objects with Python and have run into a small problem.
The COM object I am using has a method called SetCallback
which takes a object
, the mothod looks like this:
void SetCallback([in] IDispatch* callbackobject);
Taken from MS OLE/COM Object viewer
Now if I create and instance of my COM app in python everything is fine until I try and pass an instance of a object to this method.
callback = Callback()
class Callback():
def SetStatusText(self,status):
print status
The error I get in the python window is: TypeError: The Python instance can not be converted to a COM object
When doing the same thing in C# I used to make my class def look like this:
public class Callback
//some methods here
and the method call is the same as Python version.
Is there something like this I have to do in Python in order to use an instance of a object as a callback for a COM object.
Worked it out! Just needed to make my own COM server and register it, then create the object via Dispatch:
class Callback():
_public_methods_ = ['SetStatusText']
_reg_progid_ = "mycomobject.PythonCallback"
_reg_clsid_ = "{14EF8D30-8B00-4B14-8891-36B8EF6D51FD}"
def SetStatusText(self,status):
print status
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Registering COM server..."
import win32com.server.register
in main()
callback = Dispatch("mycomobject.PythonCallback")
#callback.SetStatusText("Hello World")