
Red-Black Tree rebalancing crashes on tree rotation

I am implementing a red-black tree. Currently stuck on tree rotations. When I rotate and assign the new left/right children, I crash and burn. The way I have learned to do left or right rotations on a binary tree is like so (in c++):

void right_rotation(node *&root)
    auto *temp = root->left;
    root->left = temp->right;
    temp->right = root;
    root = temp;

This works fine for an AVL tree.

Here is the RB-tree. I'll try to post the minimum it takes to reproduce this

#include <stdio.h>

struct foo
    int key;
    foo *parent;
    foo *left;
    foo *right;
    int rb; // 0 black, 1 red

    foo(int k, foo *p, foo *l, foo *r, int _rb) : key(k), parent(p), left(l), right(r), rb(_rb) {}

class rbtree
    foo *root{};
    void insert(int key)
        if (root != nullptr)
            insert(root, root, key);
            root = new foo(key, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0);

    void insert(foo *&node, foo *&parent, int key)
        if (!node) {
            node = new foo(key, parent, nullptr, nullptr, 1);
        } else if (key <= node->key) {
            insert(node->left, node, key);
        } else {
            insert(node->right, node, key);

    void rebalance(foo *&node)
        if (!node)

        if (root == node) {
            root->rb = 0;

        if (node->rb == 1 && node->parent->rb == 1) {
            auto *grand_p = node->parent->parent;
            foo *aunt;

            if (grand_p->left != node->parent)
                aunt = grand_p->left;
                aunt = grand_p->right;

            if (!aunt || aunt->rb == 0)
                rotate(node, grand_p);

        // if there is no parent to the root
        if (!node->parent)
            root = node;


    void rotate(foo *&node, foo *&grand_parent)
        if (grand_parent->right->left == node) {
        } // else the rest is not critical

    void right_rot(foo *&root)
        auto *grand_p = root->parent;
        auto *tmp = root->left;
        if (!tmp->left)
            printf("\nI am about to crash");
        root->left = tmp->right; // segfault here
        // the rest of the rotation logic
        tmp->right = root;
        root->parent = tmp;
        if (root->left)
            root->left->parent = root;
        if (grand_p) {
            if (root == grand_p->left)
                grand_p->left = tmp;
            else if (root == grand_p->right)
                grand_p->right = tmp;
        tmp->parent = grand_p;

    void right_left_rot(foo *&node)
        // rest not important

    void color_flip(foo *&node)
        node->parent->parent->rb = 1;
        node->parent->parent->left->rb = 0;
        node->parent->parent->right->rb = 0;
        if (root->rb != 0)
            root->rb = 0;

int main()
    rbtree rbt;
    printf("\n%s%d", "Added successfully ", 3);
    printf("\n%s%d", "Added successfully ", 1);
    printf("\n%s%d", "Added successfully ", 5);
    printf("\n%s%d", "Added successfully ", 7);
    printf("\n%s%d", "Added successfully ", 6);
    return 0;

From what I know, the tmp->left is a nullptr, thus when I am assigning it to the root->left it is normal to segfault. How do I overcome this and both execute this step and not terminate?

I have searched over SO and other internet corners and have seen that people use this approach and they do not complain of this segfault.

If I do a check if (tmp->right) root->left = tmp->right; then the code is not being executed and I am skipping over a critical algorithm step. With this if statement, I get a tree where some of the nodes point to themselves and it gets really messy.

Sample case

To get this situation, I insert 3(root)->1(go left of 3)->5(go right of 3)->7(go right of 5)->6(go left of 7). A balance must be made at 5->7->6. The logic is to do a Right-Left rotation. At the right rotation, this situation is happening


  • Okay after a lot of testing I found an interesting case where the code above works. Most noticeable, the line auto *grand_p = root->parent; was causing the problem. If I create a method like

    foo *rbtree::parent(foo *root)
        return *&root->parent;

    and then access the parent through this method call

    auto *grand_p = parent(root);

    then there would be no segfault and the whole rotation of the tree would be exactly as it should.

    Due to my limited knowledge of compiler optimization and how references are handled underneath, I would assume that the following is happening.

    In both cases I am getting a copy of the parent pointer to the grandparent variable, but when this is done through a function, the compiler does not do any optimization and dereferencing, which would cause the segfault.

    Here is another question which has a similar topic