
sdkman is missing a specific java version

I have SDKMAN 5.7.3+337 on an Ubuntu 18.10 which is listing these available versions for java:

     13.ea.17-open   > * 10.0.2-open         1.0.0-rc-12-grl
     12.0.1-zulu       * 9.0.7-zulu          1.0.0-rc-11-grl
     12.0.1-librca       9.0.4-open          1.0.0-rc-10-grl
     12.0.1-sapmchn      8.0.212-zulu        1.0.0-rc-9-grl
     12.0.1-open         8.0.212-amzn        1.0.0-rc-8-grl
   + 12.0.0-open         8.0.212-librca
     11.0.3-sapmchn    + 8.0.202-zulu
     11.0.3-zulu         8.0.202.j9-adpt
     11.0.3-amzn         8.0.202.hs-adpt
     11.0.3-librca       8.0.202-zulufx
   + 11.0.2-open         7.0.222-zulu
     11.0.2.j9-adpt      6.0.119-zulu
     11.0.2.hs-adpt      1.0.0-rc-15-grl
     11.0.2-zulufx       1.0.0-rc-14-grl
     10.0.2-zulu         1.0.0-rc-13-grl

while the same SDKMAN version on an Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (as WSL in Windows 10) shows:

13.ea.17-open     * 9.0.4-open          1.0.0-rc-11-grl
12.0.1-sapmchn      8.0.212-zulu        1.0.0-rc-10-grl
12.0.1-zulu         8.0.212-amzn        1.0.0-rc-9-grl 
12.0.1-open         8.0.212-librca      1.0.0-rc-8-grl 
12.0.1-librca     + 8.0.202-zulu 
11.0.3-sapmchn      8.0.202.j9-adpt
11.0.3-zulu         8.0.202.hs-adpt
11.0.3-amzn         8.0.202-zulufx
11.0.3-librca     + 8.0.191-oracle
11.0.2.j9-adpt      7.0.222-zulu
11.0.2.hs-adpt      6.0.119-zulu
11.0.2-zulufx       1.0.0-rc-15-grl
10.0.2-zulu         1.0.0-rc-14-grl
10.0.2-open         1.0.0-rc-13-grl
9.0.7-zulu          1.0.0-rc-12-grl

where 11.0.2-open is missing. Why this happens and how should I solve this?

PS: I already run sdk selfupdate and sdk update


  • It seems that downloading the missing version:


    then unpacking to:


    then renaming the extracted directory:

    mv ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/jdk-11.0.2 ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.2-open

    solves the problem.

    PS: of course, you'll have to change ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/ to match your SDKMAN installation path (if not the default one)