I am reading some data into a data frame from Microsoft SQL server using Spark JDBC. And when the table does not exist (for example, it was dropped accidentally) I get an exception: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name 'TestAllData'.
I would like to create some mechanism to check first whether the table exists and only then read the data. Is there a way to do that using Spark JDBC? Because I tried using if exists construct from Ms sql server, but it does not work for querying with Spark.
Currently, my code for reading the data looks like this:
def getDataQuery() = {
s"(select * from TestData) as subq"
def jdbcOptions(dataQuery: String, partitionColumn: String, lowerBound: String, upperBound: String, numPartitions: String) = Map[String,String](
"driver" -> config.getString("sqlserver.db.driver"),
"url" -> config.getString("sqlserver.db.url"),
"user" -> config.getString("sqlserver.db.user"),
"password" -> config.getString("sqlserver.db.password"),
"customSchema" -> config.getString("sqlserver.db.custom_schema"),
"dbtable" -> dataQuery,
"partitionColumn" -> partitionColumn,
"lowerBound" -> lowerBound,
"upperBound" -> upperBound,
"numPartitions" -> numPartitions
val dataDF = sparkSession
You can check with a Query and if:
def tableExist() = {
s"show tables in default"
val existDF = sparkSession
val dataDF = if (existDF.select("tableName").collect().map(_ (0)).contains("TestData"))