I have XML files of the icon inside drawable.device's which has density 380 or more has a perfect resolution but Device which has lower Density like 320 Images are getting blur.
I Tried to make lower density drawable folders to solve the Problem but, after putting icon inside that folder, it's giving me an error of duplication.
What should I do for get perfect resolution for all device?
I Found following simple answer : Just Increase the size of icon in xml. In my case original size was 24 dp and I modify it to 98 and that's it.
<vector android:height="98dp" android:viewportHeight="99.261"
android:viewportWidth="99.261" android:width="98dp" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<path android:fillColor="#ffffff" android:pathData="M17.464,65.202l-...."/>