I am trying to read from an R dataframe into a table in Teadata with the FastLoad utility, using RJDBC. Is it possible to write a prepared statement and use .jcall to read directly from dataframe?
Some things I have noted/tried, but which do not seem to read directly from dataframe, from what I can tell:
Teradata-jdbc: What's the point of using Fastload if java has memory limitations?
UPDATE .... the below suggestion by Parfait works for me:
con <- dbConnect(... connection details ...)
dbSendUpdate (con, "Drop Table Dl_ho_test.Iris_R")
dbSendUpdate (con, "Create Multiset Table Dl_Ho_Test.Iris_R (
Sepal_Length float
, Sepal_Width float
, Petal_Length float
, Petal_Width float
, Species varchar(10)
) No Primary Index;"
## def functions
myinsert <- function(col1, col2, col3, col4, col5){
.jcall(ps, "V", "setDouble", as.integer(1), col1)
.jcall(ps, "V", "setDouble", as.integer(2), col2)
.jcall(ps, "V", "setDouble", as.integer(3), col3)
.jcall(ps, "V", "setDouble", as.integer(4), col4)
.jcall(ps, "V", "setString", as.integer(5), as.character(col5))
.jcall(ps, "V", "addBatch")
## prepare
ps = .jcall(con@jc, "Ljava/sql/PreparedStatement;", "prepareStatement", "insert into Dl_Ho_Test.Iris_R(?,?,?,?,?)")
## batch insert
for(n in 1:nrow(iris)) {
myinsert(iris$Sepal.Length[n], iris$Sepal.Width[n], iris$Petal.Length[n], iris$Petal.Width[n], iris$Species[n])
## apply & commit
.jcall(ps, "[I", "executeBatch")
.jcall(ps, "V", "close")
.jcall(con@jc, "V", "setAutoCommit", TRUE)
Following last link, consider keeping the functional form and loop through rows of data frame:
## def functions
myinsert <- function(col1, col2, col3){
.jcall(ps, "V", "setInt", 1, col1)
.jcall(ps, "V", "setInt", 2, col2)
.jcall(ps, "V", "setString", 3, col3)
.jcall(ps, "V", "addBatch")
## prepare
ps = .jcall(con@jc, "Ljava/sql/PreparedStatement;", "prepareStatement",
"insert into Some_Test_Table(?,?,?)")
## batch insert
for(n in 1:nrow(my.data.frame)) {
myinsert(my.data.frame$col1[n], my.data.frame$col2[n], my.data.frame$col3[n])
## apply & commit
.jcall(ps, "[I", "executeBatch")
.jcall(ps, "V", "close")
.jcall(conn@jc, "V", "setAutoCommit", TRUE)