
How to work with historical data [ArangoDB]

Can you explain how to work with historical data in ArangoDB?

For example, i have 5 collection:

1. School [Type = Documents] - I keep information about schools. I have 2 school:
- BestSchool
- NotveryBestSchool
2. Class [Type = Documents] - I keep information about class. I have 4 class:
- Best A Class
- Best B Class
- NotveryBest A Class
- NotveryBest B Class
3. Students [Type = Documents] - I keep information about Students:
- Timmi
- Lisa
- Kail
- Bart
4. ClassinSchool [Type = Edge] - I keep information about class in school, where "parents" = "school" and "child" = Class:
_From: School/BestSchool _To: Class/Best A Class
_From: School/BestSchool _To: Class/Best B Class
_From: School/NotveryBestSchool: Class/NotveryBest A Class
_From: School/NotveryBestSchool: Class/NotveryBest B Class
And, finally:
5. StudentsinClass [Type = Edge] -  I keep information about Students in Class, where "parents" = "Students" and "Child" = Class
_From: Students/Timmi _To: Class/Best A Class
_From: Students/Lisa _To: Class/Best B Class
_From: Students/Kail: Class/NotveryBest A Class
_From: Students/Bart: Class/NotveryBest B Class

And here is the case. 2017 Bart studied very well. At the end of the year he was transferred from "NotveryBest B Class" to a new class "NotveryBest A Class". In 2018, he studied even better and his parents decided to transfer him to another school, where he could develop his talents. He was transferred from "NotveryBestSchool" to a new school "BestSchool" and class "Best B Class".

Assumption: Do I understand correctly, in order to track Bart's movement between classes and schools I must add dates to the edge? The main fields in this edges should be StartDates and EndDates? Or maybe his movement I need to store in the parameters of the Bart? And the third option - to make a separate collection "History" and store everything there.

Which option to choose?


  • So here is the way I see it:

    In the end it all depends on what you are building, but I tend to gravitate toward the third option unless I have specific reasons not to do it that way.