I'm using SQL Server 2017 Reporting Service
and I see that something is wrong with my permissions. I'm in the Administrator group in the SSRS machine, I can manage most of the folders in the SSRS browser web app but I can't manage some of them...
For example,
Then I realized that when I clicked to manage button on the folder, SSRS sent GET
request called AllowedActions
and the request returned with users permitted actions, so I examined the body of that request and found this,
For the CWB folder, I get the permissions successfully AllowedActions
method returns Status: (200),
But when I navigate into the CWB folder and try to manage another folder inside of the CWB folder, AllowedActions
method returns Status: (404) as seen below,
And the error message says,
Other group members of the Administrator can manage/edit the same folder/folders except me. I will very much appreciate it if anyone helps me to fix this issue.
Thank you for reading my issue.
According to this article,
Encoding should be the problem. So try and look at your browser language. Changing your broweser language to English will fix your problem.