I am trying to disable only selected dates by the user. After multiple trials, I was able to do so, but it is disabling all the calendar. I want it to disable only the selected days.
Current materials on ng-bootstrap, only disable days as numbers, not objects:
Typescript code:
import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
import {NgbDate, NgbCalendar} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { stringify } from '@angular/compiler/src/util';
selector: 'ngbd-datepicker-range',
templateUrl: './datepicker-range.html',
export class NgbdDatepickerRange {
hoveredDate: NgbDate;
fromDate: NgbDate;
toDate: NgbDate;
disabeledDays: NgbDate [] = new Array(); //this is array of date objects, which i want to disable
constructor(calendar: NgbCalendar) {
this.fromDate = calendar.getToday();
this.toDate = calendar.getNext(calendar.getToday(), 'd', 1);
isDisabled = (date: NgbDate) => {
for (var i =0; i < this.disabeledDays.length;i++){
date= this.disabeledDays[i];
} return date;
} //this is function for disabling the dates
onDateSelection(date: NgbDate) {
console.log('onDateSelection:', date);
if (!this.fromDate && !this.toDate) {
this.fromDate = date;
this.DiffDate = this.calcDaysDiff();
} else if (this.fromDate && !this.toDate && date.after(this.fromDate)) {
this.toDate = date;
this.DiffDate = this.calcDaysDiff();
} else {
this.toDate = null;
this.fromDate = date;
this.disabeledDays.push(date); //pushing a date to the array of disabled dates
ngb-datepicker [markDisabled]="isDisabled" #dp (select)="onDateSelection($event)" [displayMonths]="2" [dayTemplate]="t" outsideDays="hidden"
<ng-template #t let-date let-focused="focused" class="container">
<span class="custom-day"
[class.faded]="isHovered(date) || isInside(date)"
(mouseenter)="hoveredDate = date"
(mouseleave)="hoveredDate = null">
{{ date.day }}
Any suggestions?
You will need to make some changes to your isDisabled
property. In short, you are supposed to return a boolean value (true
or false
), rather than the NgbDate
date object as stated on your original code. .from()
is actually part of the NgbDate API, and it creates a new date object from the NgbDateStruct
isDisabled = (date: NgbDateStruct, current: {month: number, year: number})=> {
return this.disabledDates.find(x => NgbDate.from(x).equals(date))? true: false;
represents the array of NgbDate objects which are meant to be disabled on the datepicker itself.
disabledDates: NgbDateStruct[] = [
{year: 2019, month:4, day:10},
{year: 2019, month:4, day:12},
{year: 2019, month:4, day:14},
Here is a demo, do check it out to see how it works.