
How can I put an image in my email markdown header?

I am trying to replace the app name in a Laravel markdown email header with an image but I am not having a lot of success.


{{-- Header --}}
    @component('mail::header', ['url' => config('app.url')])
            <img src="{{ url(config('')) }}" class="site- 
logo" height="50" />
            {{ config('', 'Campaign') }}

{{-- Body --}}
{{ $slot }}

{{-- Subcopy --}}
            {{ $subcopy }}

{{-- Footer --}}
        &copy; {{ date('Y') }} {{ config('', 'Campaign') }}. 
@lang('All rights reserved.')

followup.blade.php <-- email markdown page

 ## Follow up reminder

Set for today {{ date('l \t\h\e jS \of F Y', strtotime($member->FollowUp)) }} with  {{$member->LastName}} {{$member->FirstName}} / {{$member->Position}}

@component('mail::panel', ['url' => ''])

@foreach($member->notes->sortByDesc("created_at") as $note)

**{!! nl2br(e($note->note)) !!}** 

by *{{$note->user->name}}.*


 No notes added for member
Probable Vote: {{$member->LikelyVote}}
@component('mail::button', ['url' => $the_url])
View Information

 Thank you,
{{ config('', 'Campaign application A.I.') }}

Everything works on mailtrap and the header image shows up. The image does not show up in gmail.


  • Original Question - How to get rid of "Laravel" in the header

    Set the App Name

    In your .env set the


    Which is where the Laravel in the header is coming from.

    Or Modify the Template

    You can have more control by publishing the source for the markdown mailables by running:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-mail

    And editing them at resources/views/vendor/mail


    The way to include images from your server is:

       ![Some option text][logo]
       [logo]: {{asset('/img/official_logo.png')}} "Logo"

    Otherwise, you can get the base64 encoding and drop that into an img tag to truely embed the image (after reading it into a variable (image)):

    <img src="data:image/jpg;base64,{{ base64_encode($image) }}">