Below you can find implemented Newton method.
function y = NewtonRoot(Fun, DFun, Xest,Err, imax)
%Fun - function
%DFun- derivative of F
%Xest - initial estimate of solution
%Err - maximum error
%y - solution
%EXAMPLE: NewtonRoot(@(x)x^2-4,@(x)2*x,1.3, 0.001, 100)
for i= 1: imax
Xi = Xest - feval(Fun,Xest)/feval(DFun,Xest);
if abs((Xi-Xest)/Xest) < Err
y = Xi;
Xest= Xi;
if i== imax
fprint('Solution was not obtained in %i iterations.\n', imax)
y=('No answer');
It is working:
NewtonRoot(@(x)x^2-4,@(x)2*x,1.3, 0.001, 100)
but in the fact I want to calculate the derivative of a more complex function. Hence, I tried to use diff function but it isn't working... Could you please help me?
That's my tentative:
syms y(x) x
dy = diff(y,x)
NewtonRoot(y,@(x)diff(y,x),1.3, 0.001, 100)
You can use the matlabFunction
function, that allows convert symbolic expression to function handle. Thus, for this example:
syms y(x) x
dy = diff(y,x);
NewtonRoot(y, matlabFunction( diff(y,x)), 1.3, 0.001, 100)
Which apparently works quite well.