I defined an Entity "TrainingProgressEntry" as an @ORM\Entity and a "training" property like this:
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Training", inversedBy="training_progress")
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="training_id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $training;
The matching @ORM\Entity "Training" defines a property "training_progress" like
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="TrainingProgressEntry", mappedBy="training", cascade={"remove"})
* @ORM\OrderBy({"entry_date" = "ASC"})
protected $training_progress;
and a getter method for it like this
* Get trainingProgress
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
public function getTrainingProgress()
return $this->training_progress;
Finaly I define a getter method intended to return only entries which have a date newer then some reference date:
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
public function getTrainingProgressSinceStart()
$startTime = $this->getUser()->getStart();
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->gt('entry_date', $startTime))
->orderBy(['entry_date', 'ASC']);
return $this->getTrainingProgress()->matching($criteria);
When using this last function I get the following "ContextErrorException":
Notice: Undefined property: AppBundle\Entity\TrainingProgressEntry::$1
coming from
when trying to "return $object->$field".
The trace shows that it is caused by the above mentioned function "getTrainingProgressSinceStart()" in the line
return $this->getTrainingProgress()->matching($criteria);
For some reason the matching function doesn't seem to be recognized ors something... I don't really know what to look for now. Any hints are very welcome.
You probably already solved this, but I will answer it either way for reference for other people.
The method: orderBy of criteria accepts an array with the Key, being the field and the sorting order being the value, so where you have:
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
public function getTrainingProgressSinceStart()
$startTime = $this->getUser()->getStart();
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->gt('entry_date', $startTime))
->orderBy(['entry_date', 'ASC']);
return $this->getTrainingProgress()->matching($criteria);
It should really be ['entry_date' => 'ASC']:
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
public function getTrainingProgressSinceStart()
$startTime = $this->getUser()->getStart();
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->gt('entry_date', $startTime))
->orderBy(['entry_date' => 'ASC']);
return $this->getTrainingProgress()->matching($criteria);