I am trying to pass values that need to include new lines/brake lines into pug files.
So far I have tried
var value1 = "value 1";
var value2 = "value 2";
var infromation = "\n" + value1 + "\n" + value2;
res.render('pugfile', { information: information });
but when this is rendered in pug through
p Your messages are: #{information}
The html is rendered as
value 1
value 2
but the new line is not shown on the displayed webpage, which is the problem. Please help?
instead of putting \n
for newline, use <br>
for break. And also you need to escape the string. For reference check this.
Try this.
let value1 = "value 1";
let value2 = "value 2";
// let information = "\n" + value1 + "\n" + value2;
let information = "<br>" + value1 + "<br>" + value2;
res.render("index", { information: information });
And in pug template
p Your messages are: !{information}