
how skip some specific files in multiple subfolders in matlab?

I need to skip some specific files in different sub-folders. So I tried by line "if filename" in the snippet that if the filename not contains raw, info, do some operations, but it doesn't work. I really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction how can I skip these filenames which does have specific character like "raw" or "info."..

input_dirName = dir('D:\Neda\Pytorch\CAMUS\training\');
Output_dirName = 'D:\Neda\Pytorch\CAMUS\data\';
GT_dirName =  'D:\Neda\Pytorch\CAMUS\GT\';

dirName = 'D:\Neda\Pytorch\CAMUS\training\';
fileList = SureScan_getAllFiles(dirName);

foldername = fullfile({input_dirName.folder}, {});
foldername = foldername(3:end);

for k = 1:length(fileList)-50

filename = fileList{k};

if filename ~= contains(filename,'raw') | filename ~= contains(filename,'Info_') | filename ~= contains(filename,'sequence.mhd')| filename ~=contains(filename,'_sequence')    

% do some operation


  • The output of contains is either true or false and hence it will never be equal to any filename.

    To skip filenames that have any of 'raw', 'Info_', 'sequence.mhd' or '_sequence', use:

    if ~contains(filename, {'raw', 'Info_', 'sequence.mhd', '_sequence'})    
       %do some operation