I have three node with docker installed on them. In master node, I run Mesos and Marathon without any problems. The details are in following: First I enter to the docker with this command:
docker run -v /home/user/.ssh:/root/.ssh --privileged -p
5050:5050 -p 5051:5051 -p 5052:5052 -p 2181:2181 -p 8082:8081
-p 6123:6123 -p 8080:8080 -p 50090:50090 -p 50070:50070 -p
9000:9000 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 -p 4041:4040 -p 7077:7077
-p 52222:22 -e WEAVE_CIDR=
-e MESOS_RESOURCES=ports*:[11000-11999]
-ti hadoop_marathon_mesos_flink_2 /bin/bash
Then I run these commands for Zookeeper and Mesos:
/home/zookeeper-3.4.14/bin/zkServer.sh restart
/home/mesos-1.7.2/build/bin/mesos-master.sh --ip=
--hostname= --roles=marathon,flink --quorum=1
--work_dir=/var/run/mesos --log_dir=/var/log/mesos
After running Mesos, I open another terminal to run Marathon:
docker run exec -it container-id /bin/bash
Then I run Marathon without any issues:
--master --zk zk://
--hostname --webui_url
--logging_level debug
To test Marathon, I write a simple scipt to print a string and it works fine in docker container. But when I create a new Application to run the script, it does not run because of this error:
I0428 05:32:09.167528 5115 exec.cpp:162] Version: 1.7.2
I0428 05:32:09.177440 5117 exec.cpp:236] Executor registered on agent 984595ae-e811-48fb-a9f5-ca6128e1cc1a-S0
I0428 05:32:09.179848 5120 executor.cpp:188] Received SUBSCRIBED event
I0428 05:32:09.180785 5120 executor.cpp:192] Subscribed executor on
I0428 05:32:09.180997 5120 executor.cpp:188] Received LAUNCH event
I0428 05:32:09.182319 5120 executor.cpp:697] Starting task test.f76ace45-6976-11e9-928f-ce235caa831e
I0428 05:32:09.196890 5120 executor.cpp:712] Forked command at 5124 sh: 1: /home/test.sh: not found
I0428 05:32:09.369120 5119 executor.cpp:1013] Command exited with status 127 (pid: 5124)
I0428 05:32:10.376525 5123 process.cpp:927] Stopped the socket accept loop
It means that Marathon does not know about the Application which is in docker container. Would you please guide me how to solve this problem? I also set Docker image in Marathon, but the task failed again and the Mesos UI does not have any log in SandBox.
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.
Problem solved. I must put the Application on the docker container in Slave nodes. I did that and the Application is run in Marathon.