I am new to SAP PowerDesigner I am trying to created tables and link them together to get the DB model and I am having difficulties on enabling Auto increment for the primary Key column of tables. Can someone please guide me
I have looked online and there was mentioning of check marking something called as Identity. But I do not see that option on Column properties.Image2
Which version of Oracle are you using?
Oracle 12+ supports identity columns. In PowerDesigner, the Identity
option is available in the Oracle
tab on the Column, when the DBMS for the Physical Data Model is ORACLE Version 12c.
create table CONTACTS (
ID int
generated always as identity ( start with 1 nocycle noorder) not null,
NAME varchar(100) not null,
constraint PK_CONTACTS primary key (ID)
For previous versions of Oracle, the autoincrement was implemented with sequence, and triggers. See this page of PowerDesigner online documentation for example.