I am trying to build a network graph which has the points data as [[from, to], [from,to]]. So, I need to build an array of this form from a JSON object. Can you give me a way that I can do it? I know, its just the way how we apply logic, but I tried lot many ways and I couldn't able to do it. Hence I am here to get a nice logic which applies for any depth of object.
My sample object is like
myObj = {
Continents :
{ Asia : {
India : 1,
China: 2 ,
Japan : 3
Europe : {
Sweden: 1,
Norway : 2,
Finland : 4,
Denmark : 5
Africa : {
Congo : 1,
Kenya: 2,
Zimbabwe : 3
Depth of the object can vary. And now I have to make an array to form nodes as below.
myArray = [['Continents', 'Asia'],
['Continents', 'Europe'],
['Continents'], 'Africa'],
['Europe', 'Sweden'],
['Europe', 'Norway'],
['Europe', 'Finland'],
['Europe', 'Denmark'],
['Africa', 'Congo'],
['Africa', 'Kenya'],
['Africa', 'Zimbabwe'],
You could use a recursive generator:
function* pairs(obj, parent) {
for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if(parent) yield [parent, key];
if(typeof value === "object")
yield* pairs(value, key);
Usable as:
const result = [...pairs(obj)];