How does my C++ program convert a SYSTEMTIME in the user's preferred "long date format" either as defaulted from their Language setting, or as custom-set on the Control Panel->Region and Language dialog?
If it matters I'm on Visual Studio 2017 and primarily looking for C/C++03 type solutions but if there's a solution for newer C++ I wouldn't mind seeing it.
if ( GetTimeZoneInformation( &tzi ) == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID )
MyErrorFunction( "GetTimeZoneInformation() = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID : %s",
GetLastErrorAsString().c_str() );
SYSTEMTIME st, stLocal;
BOOL bRV = FileTimeToSystemTime( ftLastAccessTime, &st );
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime( &tzi, &st, &stLocal );
NULL, szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ) );
int iBufUsed = strlen( szBuf );
if ( iBufUsed < sizeof( szBuf ) - 2 )
szBuf[ iBufUsed++ ] = ' ';
GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &stLocal,
NULL, szBuf + iBufUsed, sizeof( szBuf ) - iBufUsed );
// szBuf holds Date and Time, in the user's timezone, formatted as the user prefers.