
How to Convert Text from One Language to another using Microsoft's Translate API in Python?

I was trying to develop a Multi language Chat application which can convert text from one language to another using Python.

I have tried a couple of solutions and I found the Microsoft Bing Translate API to be a perfect solution for my requirement.

How to use that API in Python?


  • from translate import Translator
    class clsTranslate():
        def translateText(self, strString, strTolang):
            self.strString = strString
            self.strTolang = strTolang
            translator = Translator(to_lang=self.strTolang)
            translation = translator.translate(self.strString)
            return (str(translation))
    # Create a Class object and call the Translate function
    strTranslatedText= objTrans.translateText('How are you', 'de')