
How to add random ticks on a line chart at a specific position

I am trying a plot a highchart with single series and add some points which are marked in different style on the same line.

For example :

I am trying to plot a week (date & time) on x-axis and number of available hours in that week(5 days).

Available Hours :

Reminders :

I am trying to plot a time series line chart and trying to add a marker for the reminder to the existing line chart at random places which has a tooltip with some information linked to it.

I tried to plot the line chart with 2 series but not able to achieve the expected output.

[JSFiddle Demo][1]

expected output


  • You can preprocess your data and calculate y values for the second series:

    var stages = [
            [0, 10],
            [2, 30],
            [5, 15],
            [10, 12]
        checkpoints = [1, 3, 4, 7],
        j = 1,
        i = 0;
    for (i; i < checkpoints.length; i++) {
        if (checkpoints[i] < stages[j][0]) {
            checkpoints[i] = [checkpoints[i], calculateY(i, j)];
        } else {
            for (j; j < stages.length; j++) {
                if (checkpoints[i] < stages[j][0]) {
                    checkpoints[i] = [checkpoints[i], calculateY(i, j)];
    function calculateY(i, j) {
        var difference,
        difference = stages[j][1] - stages[j - 1][1];
        step = difference / (stages[j][0] - stages[j - 1][0]);
        return stages[j - 1][1] + step * (checkpoints[i] - stages[j - 1][0]);
    Highcharts.chart('container', {
        series: [{
            data: stages
        }, {
            type: 'scatter',
            data: checkpoints

    Live demo: