
How to use wrap_strategy in python for google sheets?

I have a python code which uses drive and sheet api to list the files inside of a folder. I have multiple google sheets inside this folder and some of them have spaces in between texts, like the one given in the image. I wanted to change the text wrap to overflow for all the cells i.e sheet object in python using google sheet api. I can see there is a way (wrap_strategy) to set it to overflow_cell, but I don't know how to use it. Can anyone please help in this case?

I can see the documentation in apps script but not using python.

def process_file(file):
    file["name"] = file["name"] + '.' + file["id"] #prefix the file name 
sheet = open_sheet(file['id'])
if sheet is None:
    print("Unable to open sheet: " + file['id'])

The actual result would format all google sheets inside this folder with text formatting as overflow for all the cells


  • From your question and tag, I understood like above.

    In this sample script, it supposes that the wrap strategy of "overflow" is set to all cells of "Sheet1". When batch_update() is used at gspread, the request body is required to be created.

    Sample script:

    spreadsheetId = "###"  # Please set this
    sheetName = "Sheet1"  # Please set this
    client = gspread.authorize(credentials)
    spreadsheet = client.open_by_key(spreadsheetId)
    sheetId = ss.worksheet(sheetName)._properties['sheetId']
    body = {
      "requests": [
          "updateCells": {
            "range": {
              "sheetId": sheetId,
              "startRowIndex": 0,
              "startColumnIndex": 0
            "rows": [
                "values": [
                    "userEnteredFormat": {
                      "wrapStrategy": "OVERFLOW_CELL"
            "fields": "userEnteredFormat.wrapStrategy"
    res = spreadsheet.batch_update(body)

